Boy oh boy, do I have a packed show for you lovely listeners this week. Well, I would if I had time to write; life's just too hectic nowadays. My new year's resolution is 1440 x 900 dpi - no, stop messing about, my resolution (which I'll definitely break), is to try and write Plumsteadshire more regularly.
Subjects I have on the boil are:-
Steve Jobs' Apple keynote speech in 9 hours time
2) finding religion in the Co Op
3) the boomtown that is Plumstead
4) UFO sightings over Thamesmead New Town
5) allegedly unseemly carryings-on at the Slade public lavvys
6) local stores we have loved
I've still got a Plumsteadshire website on the drawing board, but time is not on my side, so Blogger will have to do for the moment.