Just in case the good folk of Plumsteadshire are unaware of the origin of the Bust Da Rhyme name, I have a slight hunch that it comes from the Hip Hop artiste,
Busta Rhymes.
Here he is out for a stroll on Plumstead Common.

And here he is wearing his new hat.
I thought Busta Rhymes had named himself after the common hip-hop phrase "bust da rhyme" or "bust a rhyme" which means in rap slang "sing the song" or "sing a song" (sort of cos of course its not actually singing and they're not actually songs)
Hahaha! Busta out on a stroll in plumstead. Seems like i've missed him on that ocassion!
p.s Plumsteadshire is somewhat better on the ears than Plumstead Doc!
Talking to some mates yesterday and they told me that Mr Busta has already started interviewing people to be doormen (they know this as a friend of a friend was interviewed). Maybe this is the norm but it strikes me that this fella must be quite confident in getting Busta up and running.
A very large turnout is needed on the 31st me thinks...
what happened to the people that were investigating opening a cafe or deli? There is an empty place just up from the star inn towards the common. Also does Tony's Cafe ever actually open for breakfast? What a great spot.
One does wonder if Mr Rhymes is aware of this flagrant plagiarism of his trademarked name...?
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