Sunday, 18 February 2007
Anonymous said...
please continue with the sightings of plumsteadshire character(s)... and anyone who doesn't want to know shouldn't read this blog. really enjoy this blog.
Monday, February 19, 2007 9:07:00 am
Anonymous said...
Sounds like one of the more harmless local characters to me, most have hoods and caps and some nice gold jewellery swinging from their chins.
Monday, February 19, 2007 10:45:00 am
Anonymous said...
Yeah, I hope the guy is completely sane, yet somewhat quixotic person who just feels ALIVE when he's kickboxing at trees, and doesn't give a rat's what anyone thinks.
But, well, as you described him as 'mad' and 'care in community' and all, and,well, sorry, sir, just a very simple question from a resident the very, very small community of Plumstead Common, which you've chosen to write about, in which everybody knows everybody, afterall. Let's say somebody's grandad has a stroke which causes him to act a good bit stranger than the man you described (trust me, I've seen it happen). Is there some blogger in the community with a notepad writing him up as next month's village idiot?
Look, I don't have the time, the energy, or the computer savey you obviously have to write a blog, and good on ya for doin' it. But don't you think there are looking at our communiy from the outside - through your blog - who might be looking the sophistication of views we express on such issues such as mental health even more than the sophistication of our pubs?
A Schoolteacher Who Moved to Plumstead Because He Thought it was a Really Nice Place to Live -
Monday, February 19, 2007 10:31:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Yeah, I hope the guy is completely sane, yet somewhat quixotic person who just feels ALIVE when he's kickboxing at trees, and doesn't give a rat's what anyone thinks.
But, well, as you described him as 'mad' and 'care in community' and all, and,well, sorry, sir, just a very simple question from a resident the very, very small community of Plumstead Common, which you've chosen to write about, in which everybody knows everybody, afterall. Let's say somebody's grandad has a stroke which causes him to act a good bit stranger than the man you described (trust me, I've seen it happen). Is there some blogger in the community with a notepad writing him up as next month's village idiot?
Look, I don't have the time, the energy, or the computer savvy you obviously have to write a blog, and good on ya for doin' it. But don't you think there are looking at our communiy from the outside - through your blog - who might be looking the sophistication of views we express on such issues such as mental health even more than the sophistication of our pubs?
A Schoolteacher Who Moved to Plumstead Because He Thought it was a Really Nice Place to Live -
Monday, February 19, 2007 10:37:00 pm
Anonymous said...
get over yourself!
person who moved to plumstead because it IS a nice place to live... and appreciates humour without need to get self-righteous -
Monday, February 19, 2007 10:45:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Point taken. I certainly didn't mean to divert his blog into some new direction. I trust that the blogger will act responsibly in regards to these issues, and apologise if I've responded in an overly emotional manner. If thought and discussion has resulted in examining the original post, than perhaps that is good thing.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 6:23:00 pm
- Doctor Pangloss said...
I don't take great offence from your comments, nor do I go out to offend.
I'm glad people say what they think which is what I do on the blog. I could play Big Brother and erase comments which offend me, but choose not to, unless of course if there is any unsavoury dirt being written on Plumsteadshire. Fortunately, my readers are a merry band and are passionate about the area. They also put up with my (sometimes), quirky view on life. -
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 8:57:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Fair play to you "one who wrote comment"
Let's restrict our sneering to those who earn it!
FWIW I've seen that guy on the Common and it made me think of news clips from China where you see elderly people doing Tai-chi in the parks on a cold winter's morn. Probably a wise thing to do :) -
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 11:13:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Neve mind magnanimous, let's be honest Pangloss - it's the dialogue on your comments page that is the real draw on this site!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 11:15:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Don't listen to the people slagging you off. I love Plumsteadshire.
Keep up the good work. -
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:49:00 am
Anonymous said...
I like the quirky bits as much as everything else.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:35:00 pm
Anonymous said...
Well I've searched high and low, but I can't find anyone slagging you off. Perhaps some people are a tad oversensitive....if so, best stay away from the internet!
It is demonstrably true however, that most of the activity and comments on this blog [which often don't even refer to Pangloss' posts] are dialogues about the area and community. And for providing that service, I thank you! -
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:14:00 pm
Anonymous said...
"I've seen that guy on the Common and it made me think of news clips from China where you see elderly people doing Tai-chi in the parks on a cold winter's morn. Probably a wise thing to do :)"
Funny you should say that - I had a friend who's a practicing Buddhist visiting the house last weekend - he read the original post and said exactly the same thing - that we should start tai-chi class on the common! -
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:27:00 pm
- Doctor Pangloss said...
Tai Chi on the Common would be a great thing, however I thought it had to be practiced under a tree and next to water. If this is the case, we have no problems with trees but tai chi at Slade Ponds?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:51:00 pm
Anonymous said...
I'm all for a tai chi club - and on the common would be great, esp since such things happen in the middle of cities.
Also, this morning I spotted three 'rocky balboas' doing their thing over at Winns Common. The three lads, youngish, seem to jog around the common and then make their way to the area around the paddling pool and were each starting "air boxing" (not with each other) and also skipping rope but with no rope. Clearly it's a fitness regime... they could be forming a new "air boxing" club of plumsteadshire. (-: -
Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:37:00 am
Anonymous said...
Speaking of martial arts, can anyone recommend - or not - the Tae Kwon Do centre by the Lakedale road/Plumstead Common road mini roundabout? I was thinking of trying a beginners class with my 6 year old son.....
Thursday, February 22, 2007 7:54:00 pm
Will it continue to be a regular feature of this blog to write reports on local residents who might be mentally ill - or perhaps mutter to themselves, or maybe have nervous ticks, or who are just plain eccentric - for the purposes of ridicule and public amusement? Just curious.
Sunday, February 18, 2007 6:07:00 PM