Tuesday 15 January 2008

Hello again

Boy oh boy, do I have a packed show for you lovely listeners this week. Well, I would if I had time to write; life's just too hectic nowadays. My new year's resolution is 1440 x 900 dpi - no, stop messing about, my resolution (which I'll definitely break), is to try and write Plumsteadshire more regularly.

Subjects I have on the boil are:-
1) Steve Jobs' Apple keynote speech in 9 hours time
2) finding religion in the Co Op
3) the boomtown that is Plumstead
4) UFO sightings over Thamesmead New Town
5) allegedly unseemly carryings-on at the Slade public lavvys
6) local stores we have loved

I've still got a Plumsteadshire website on the drawing board, but time is not on my side, so Blogger will have to do for the moment.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you. Keep up the good work.

Sorry to see Conmax go - great shop. Clearance Sale in there on Monday 21st aparently.

AJWInBlack said...

Good to see normal service is being resumed!

Anonymous said...

Yes please do ensure you are writing every other day or so Pangloss. It's key to us Plumsteadians' survival.

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