In my vision for Plumsteadshire - nice cafe with evening jazz, restaurant serving basic but quality English dishes, cinema club and localised
freecycle centre, is an art gallery. It would be called Tate Common. Well, it would until Nicholas Serota sends a law-suit in the post.
So. Art.
David Mach [artist who built a submarine from car tyres], in Plumsteadshire last night?
Look what I saw. Did you? Is this fly tipping of the highest order?
Curiouser and curiouser.........
Really strange that they look like they're all facing the same way. Lets hope they get moved before some cretin or pisshead decides to roll them into the ravine.
Like a rubber version of Carnac
Will it be the same cretin/pisshead who put them there overnight?
The tyres were piled up by the side of the road at the weekend and not removed by the council (there's a surprise). I am astounded that someone has thought to lift and arrange them on the common when I had visions of some scrote making a nasty toxic bonfire...
Were they really there? I live right opposite the common and never saw a thing!! My house is on the photo!
Yes, the tyres were there. This isn't a Photoshop job. I saw it too. Sort of brightened up the walk to the train station.
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